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GEORAMA Travel agency

Η Εταιρεία

Πληροφορίες για εμάς: Agency/Buses



Our tra­vel agen­cy XAN­THO­POU­LOS TOURS was esta­bli­shed in 1978 in Ka­va­la, Gree­ce, with the aim of pro­vi­ding high qua­li­ty tra­vel ser­vi­ces.

We can pro­vi­de you with air ti­c­ke­ts, boat ti­c­ke­ts, ho­tel re­serva­tions in Gree­ce and in the who­le world and of cour­se bus trans­fers and li­cen­ced tou­rist gui­des.

We take care of all your tra­vel­ling needs for your trips to Gree­ce, Tu­r­key, Bal­kans and Eu­ro­pe ha­ving the ap­pro­pria­te, ex­pe­rien­ced and cour­teous coa­ch dri­vers who of­fer you high stan­dard ser­vi­ces.

This adds to the good ima­ge that our of­fi­ce has crea­ted in its 43-year pre­sen­ce in the tou­ri­sm sec­tor and th­rou­gh this ex­pe­rien­ce we have built a Eu­ro­pean wide ne­two­rk of strong part­ners in the tra­vel in­du­stry.

Our com­pa­ny gua­ran­tees you a safe and co­m­for­ta­ble trip with a tou­rist coa­ch fleet (Mer­ce­des Benz Travego), well pre­ser­ved and te­chno­lo­gi­cal­ly re­lia­ble. With seats 49 - 55, all our buses are equipped with USB ports in each seat, wireless free wifi, 220V supply, TV, DVD.

We un­der­ta­ke any kind of tran­spor­ta­tion: tou­rists groups, staff of pri­va­te com­pa­nies or the pu­blic sec­tor or­ga­ni­za­tions, stu­den­ts, mem­bers of clubs and so­cie­ties. Get in tou­ch with us and or­ga­ni­ze the trans­fer or road trips and our ex­pe­rien­ced staff will gui­de you ef­fec­ti­ve­ly and of­fer you the most com­pe­ti­ti­ve pri­ces.

Do not he­si­ta­te to con­tact us for any of your needs:
Bus hire Mr Xan­tho­pou­los Ale­xan­dros: geo­ra­ma@ote­net.gr 
Whatsapp & Viber +306986705934
Di­rect line: +302510310060, Of­fi­ce: +30 2510227456
5, Mitr. Pro­ko­piou Str. 65403 Ka­va­la, Gree­ce

Εκτύπωση στις 28/01/2025
Από την ιστοσελίδα GEORAMA Travel agency